Wednesday, October 23, 2013

现钱外快网Toluna Survey

现钱外快网Toluna Survey


Toluna是一个让您的意见能被听到的在线社区!在这里您能够通过参与各种调查让世界领先的产品与服务企业家了解您的所想并能够赢取奖品。您还能够通过 在Toluna创建各种投票和帖子来展示自己!与他人分享您的所想,找到与您志同道合的人。您可以在自己创建投票和帖子中加入自己的博客或网站地址。我们 的网站所提供的服务全部为免费服务,而且积极参与Toluna的各项活动还能够帮助您赢取积分。
What is Toluna?
Tell the world's leading providers of products and services what you think and earn rewards by participating in surveys. You can also express your thoughts through polls and opinions you create directly on Toluna! Let other people know what you think, and find out if people think the same as you. Polls and opinions you create on Toluna can also be included in your own personal blog or website. Every service that our site offers is free of charge, and for participation in many Toluna activities you will be awarded points.

通常是由我们的合作伙伴来创建各种调查,他们大都是研究公司。大多数调查和问卷一般都能够在15到20分钟内完成,您的参与能够为您换取相应的奖励。我们 所做的调查的目的是收集您对各大消费品牌的产品、服务的意见,且这些意见将会直接影响这些公司的市场以及他们未来发售的新产品和服务。在做调查之前您需要 回答几个问题,这些问题会帮我们筛选出符合调查参与条件的会员。您可以通过访问Toluna.com或通过邮箱中收到的邀请邮件链接访问相应调查。请不要 忘记在Toluna.com填写您的个人资料信息以便得到更多的参与调查的机会。
What is a survey?
Surveys are created by our partners who are mostly research companies. Most of the time our surveys and questionnaires will last between 15 and 20 minutes, and your participation will be rewarded on the duration of the survey. The purpose of our surveys is to collect your opinions about the products and services of large consumer brands, and your opinion will have a direct impact on these companies and how they market and distribute new products and services to consumers like you. Each survey will start with a few questions that will make sure you are part of the targeted demographic group needed for the study. You can access these surveys on or via an invitation sent to your inbox. Don't forget that by filling in your profile surveys on you will have a greater chance of being selected for specific surveys. 

Toluna会因您的调查参与给与您相应的奖励。您会收到相应的积分奖励,这种积分能够为您兑换很多很酷的产品,从抽奖参与券到全新的产品、类似于亚马逊 这样的大型选购商城的购物券甚至是现金!每次登录或是完成详细资料调查都能帮您获取到相应的积分。当您的积分开始累积时您可以根据自己的喜好挑选兑换的奖 赏。
What are the rewards?
Rewards are what Toluna offers for your time spent taking surveys. You receive rewards in the form of points which can be redeemed for all kinds of cool stuff, from sweepstakes tickets for great new gadgets or getaways, vouchers for a large selection of stores including Amazon, or even cold hard cash! You also get points for simple things like signing up and filling out your profile surveys. But once your balance starts growing it's up to you what rewards you get and when you cash them in.

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家人的通知,您进院了, 我没打算回家。。 因为,您九岁就抛弃了我们。。 我哥给我打了个电话, 再怎么也切不掉关系。。 我买了机票。。心情很糟糕, 为何。。要这样! 熬了两个半小时, 到达机场,吃个饭, 就到了医院。。。 我脑袋一片空白。 当步入病房, ...