Tuesday, March 17, 2015

自家腌制咸菜Homemade Pickled Mustard Green

芥菜 1kg(洗净,沥干)
水 1500 ml
盐 300ml(米杯量)
糖 150ml(米杯量)

有盖玻璃瓶 1个
槊胶袋 1个


Ingredients :
1 kg  mustard greens
1.5 Litre  water
300ml salt
150ml sugar
*one glass jar with lid and a plastic sheet

Steps :
(1) Cut and clean mustard greens into half, set aside for about a night to draw out the moisture.
(2) Mixed up all brining ingredients.
(3) When those vegetables has became softened,pack them into jar.
(4) Pour brining solution into the jar to keep those mustard greens covered. Cover the top with plastic sheet and add in water to submerge the greens fully(please refer picture).
(5) Finally, cover by lid and set aside to in a cool place to ferment for 7-14 days.
(6) Check the greens everyday, skim off the whitish bloom that appears on the surface if there's any.
(7) Discard brining water and withdraw mustard greens without squeezing out the liquid. Wrap it in a plastic sheet and keep refrigerated up to 1 month time.

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家人的通知,您进院了, 我没打算回家。。 因为,您九岁就抛弃了我们。。 我哥给我打了个电话, 再怎么也切不掉关系。。 我买了机票。。心情很糟糕, 为何。。要这样! 熬了两个半小时, 到达机场,吃个饭, 就到了医院。。。 我脑袋一片空白。 当步入病房, ...